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Zvezdakova N.N. The Century-Long Story (on the 100th Anniversary of Central Children's Music School of Saratov)

Abstract: The research topic is the history of the theoretical department of the Central Children's Music School of Saratov which will celebrate the 100th anniversary in December 2016. The author of the article describes the post-revolutionary, prewar, postwar and modern stages of the school's development. The author also introduces the founders and leading teachers of the school's theoretical department from the very beginning of the school's foundation. The author touches upon various activities of the members of the theoretical department such as solfeggio, choir, theatricalization and lessons for children. The history of the school's development and impressions of the most important events in the school's life is reconstructed based on literary sources and memories of students who have studied at the music school in different years. The main research method used by the author is the diachronic method allowing to view activities and aspects of music education performed by the Central Children's Music School of Saratov in chronological order. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author has collected and summarized scientific and historical materials on the foundation and development of the theoretical department of the Central Children's Music School of Saratov. The author of the article has described the major milestones in the historical development of the department as well as activity of distinguished teachers who established the tradition of professional excellence in teaching the theory of music.  


teaching innovation, concert activity, music education, anniversary, Saratov, music school, theatricalization, famous graduates

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