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Culture and Art

Kaminskaya E.A. Amateur Performances as One of the Factors of Traditional Folklore Actualization

Abstract: In her article Kaminskaya touches upon potentials of amateur performances in the process of actualization of traditional folklore. The researcher describes activities of amateur talent groups from the point of view of their orientation at folklore culture and traditional folklore as an important element. The author also analyzes possibilities of amateur performances to actualize traditional folklore. The author demonstrates that as part of the amateur talent group activities, actualization of traditional folklore requires special training in the spheres of folklore culture, amateur performances and contemporary culture in general. By using the method of exemplification, the author demonstrates different variants of amateur groups' appealing to folklore based on actual examples. The comparative descriptive method has also allowed the author to examine orientation of amateur talent groups at different elements of folklore culture. As a result of the analysis, the author makes a conclusion that amateur talent groups demonstrate stable patterns of appealing to folklore traditions such as performance of folklore in its authentic variant and artistic transformation, inclusion of folklore in a wider stage play, creation of works in the 'folklore' style and a wide demonstration as part of creative activities. 


traditional folklore, folklore culture, artistic culture, amateur performances, orientation at folklore, amateur talent groups, festivals, contests, concert performances, folklore ritual actions

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