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Software systems and computational methods

Ponachugin A.V., Odintsov I.V. Control system for Spotting Out Online Users’ Unauthorized Activity

Abstract: The article is devoted to the main types of users’ unauthorized activity and analysis of existing approaches to the data security on the Internet, their design and technical implementation features. The authors of the article examine the control system designated not only to monitor but also to prevent malicious activity in corporate computer network. The authors also demonstrate the construction of the security system as one of the main organization departments and the system maintenance after it has been implemented. The authors provide the list of the main information leakage channels. After that, the authors unfold the problem step by step from the methods used by intruders to get unauthorized access to the corporate computer network to the actions the data protection system must perform. The authors describe the full chain of actions to be completed by the security system. The results of the research allow to compare the existing methods and services protecting the computer network from unauthorized access both outside and inside the enterprise. The authors also develop the recurrence scheme for creating the security system, outline the scope of functions to be performed and analyze the security of the services used.


neuronet, system vulnerability, intruder, security, computer networks, Cisco, Internet, computer system, unauthorized access, confidential information

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