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Trends and management

Napso M.D. McDdonaldization as trend of globalization

Abstract: The object of this article is the McDonaldization, while the subject is the McDonaldization as an attributive characteristic and trend of globalization. The author explores the principles of rationality common to the process of McDonaldization, as well as correspondence of the standardized and unified social practices with the nature of globalization. The general and distinctive aspects of globalization and McDonaldization, as well as the unity and interconditionality of the trends of localism and universalism are being reviewed. The author observes an ethnic aspect of McDonaldization, correspondence of the modern forms of rational practical activity with globalization trends, worldview guidelines of consumer society, and the orientations of mass culture. The scientific novelty consists in proposition of the statement on the dependency of McDonaldization from the specificities of globalization. The author makes the following conclusions: 1) thesis on the necessity for further research of the trend of McDonaldization, its advantages and disadvantages, is being substantiated; 2) special relevance gains the issue of determination of the place and role of McDonaldization within the global processes.


McDonaldization, Globalization, Glocalization, Standardization, Uniformity, Effectiveness, Calculability, Predictability, Consumer society, Social network

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