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Administrative and municipal law

Prudnikova I.V. Information support for anti-trafficking in persons

Abstract: The article studies the concept of information, and information support for anti-trafficking in persons. The author concludes that:1) Information in the sphere of domestic affairs includes the collected, processed, and analyzed statistical, operational, and other data characterizing operational environment, increasing the level of uncertainty, and considered to be useful for making a decision promoting the implementation of particular tasks.2) Information support for anti-trafficking in persons is a specific form of activity aimed at creating the system of sources of information, specifying its field of application, time period, direction, and method of evaluating its relevance, validity, sufficiency, and timeliness, in order to use it for the effective solution of the tasks of revelation, prevention, and detection of crimes connected with trafficking in persons. The author applies the dialectical method of cognition, the scientific analysis, the analysis of documents, the technical and sociological methods. The author concludes that the drawbacks of information support can be considered among the reasons for increase in crime in general and trafficking in persons in particular. The author proposes her own understanding of the concept of information and information support, which reflects the specificity of anti-trafficking in persons. 


operational environment, information, evaluation of information, information support, anti-trafficking in persons, investigative activities, internal affairs bodies, System of sources of information, information requirements, operative information

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