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Financial Law and Management

Andreeva E.M. Basic Approaches to Legal Regulation of Relations Arising During Financial Maintenance of Delegated Powers

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the elements of relations arising during financial maintenance of delegated powers delivered to public-law entities of another level, in particular, general legal grounds of such maintenance. In her research Andreeva makes an attempt to define and trace back the influence of general legal approaches to the mechanism of financial maintenance of the delegation process. Based on particular examples, the author demonstrates possibilities for applying each principle to the above mentioned relations as well as violations in this sphere. To achieve the research goals, the author has used such research methods as comparative analysis, empirical method, historical and logical methods. The author concludes that such postulates as legitimacy, stability of law/legislation, publicity, division of powers and prohibiting abuse of rights directly influence social relations arising during the delegation process. In the course of her research Andreeva makes suggestions on how to improve the current legislation. For example, the author proves that the budget implementation should have some mobility and organizational and technical measures allowing to promptly redistribute financial flows without amending the budget law/decision should be established. Limitations of such measures should be also well defined. At the present time principles for legal regulation of social relations arising during financial maintenance of delegated powers are not documented. This research article is more of a theoretical nature, however, it wil be of interest to practical financial specialists. 


interbudgetary transfers, conducting subject, public finances, financing, delegated powers, subventions (grants), Budget Code, financial maintenance, budget, ideas.

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