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Kuznetsova T.V., Kuznetsova O.A. Illegal takeover of business as a form of economic crime: pro et contra

Abstract: The long dispute over the protection of business owners’ rights in the cases of illegal takeovers of business has been solved by amending the current criminal law with several articles, which provide punishment for such criminal actions. Most legal novels of this kind are contained in the chapter 22 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and are officially recognized as crimes in the economic sphere. The analysis of regulatory provisions on illegal takeovers gives the reason for doubts both in the chosen form of the object of legal protection, and in the necessity to criminalize such actions. The research methodology is based on the historical analysis, comparative analysis, the method of division of notions, the system and statistical methods. The author concludes that: 1. the analysis of regulatory provisions on illegal takeovers gives the reason for doubts both in the chosen form of the object of legal protection, and in the necessity to criminalize such actions; 2. the commentaries of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the peculiarities of application of these provisions are necessary.


ekonomicheskie prestupleniya, ob'ekt ugolovno-pravovoi okhrany, interesy gosudarstvennoi vlasti, reiderskie zakhvaty, reglamentatsiya reiderskikh deistvii, reiderstvo, mezhdunarodnoe finansirovanie, khozyaistvuyushchii sub'ekt

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