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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich P.S. Culture as the reality of life

Abstract: This article pursues correlation between the two fundamental works on culturology, which were created within different historical periods: E. S. Makaryan “Science about Culture and the Imperatives of the era” and A. S. Zapesotsky “Culture: from Russia’s perspective”. The book by E. S. Makaryan reflects the state of this area of knowledge in the Soviet time, while the book by A. S. Zapesotsky refers to present time. The first book represents the monographic research that defines the designation of culturology and characteristic to it specificity, as well as its relation to the other areas of knowledge. This research is polemical; it contains criticism of the outlooks upon culture, which belong to the Russian and foreign scholars. This analysis is aimed at the deep exploration of the problems of culturology within the framework of the historical-materialistic tradition. A. S. Zapesotsky book characterizes the current state of culturology. It confirms that the status of culturology within the modern humanitarian paradigm. Both of these researches often examine similar issues: on the status of culturology; on its ontological and epistemological problems; on relation of culturology towards other spheres of humanitarian knowledge. The author refers to the philosophy of culture and philosophy oh history, and also gives special attention to the principles of philosophical anthropology. The author attempts to demonstrate the evolution of opinions about culturology and culture in Soviet time, as well as in current time. The work by E. S. Markaryan is considered as the most complete idea on the cultural processes within the Soviet time. The research by A. S. Zapesotsky marks the significant changes in consolidation of the status of culturology.


Culture, Culturology, Society, Sociality, Paradigm, Civilization, Philosophy, Anthropocentrism, Eurocentrism, Universalities of culture

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