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Pedagogy and education

Gurevich P.S. Selfless Devotion as Part of Human Existence

Abstract: The article is devoted to the phenomenon of spirituality which is being analyzed based on the three books published by the Canon+ publishing: E. Mescherina's 'Spiritual Grounds of the Feat (Essays on Russian Culture)', M. Chertok's 'Musicians of the Victory Parade' and 'The Fate of a Scientist in Changing Times' edited by G. Bragin, A. Vaf, G. Sdasyuk and T. Shaumyan. Spirituality is a universal phenomenon. It is expressed through facts of sacral culture and historical events as well as fates of particular people who devoted their life to science. Recent researches emphasize the importance of 'sensual reasoning' and ability to adequately respond to surrounding people and get along with others in interpersonal relationships. The main provision of the eternal philosophy is that in the end the quality of life depends on so called 'spiritual reasoning'. Spiritual reality is a deep philosophical and metaphysical grasp of reality and ourselves. In his research Gurevich uses the methods of reconstructing the memorial practice of the country. This also refers to the history of Russian culture. The author has also applied the hermeneutical approach which allowed to provide an adequte evaluation of cultural monuments. The article will be of interest to educators who carry out patriotic upbrining. The article contains various examples of spiritual devotion. Analysis of the history of Russian culture is filled with the pride for unfading achievements of Russians who created great monuments of philosophy and art. Russia's space is a culture-historical community exceeding the limits of national states and, all the more so, political systems. Historical spiritual forces, Victory music and selfless devotion of science. 


selfless devotion, history, spirituality, Victory, art, culture, heroism, patriotism, upbringing

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