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Police activity

Komakhin B.N. Peculiarities of investigation and search operations in the process of corruption crimes documenting on the current stage of social development

Abstract: The author analyzes the problems of corruption in the society on the current stage of development; defines the list of the most common venal actions of officials; describes the most frequent cases of corruption. Special attention is paid to documenting the actions of persons, suspected of corruption. The author describes the results of use of such a factor as the official living beyond his means. The author comes to the conclusion about a special role of operative experiment in graft documenting. The research methodology comprises the recent achievements of epistemology. The author applies general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the systems method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, and modeling), traditional legal methods (formal logical), and the methods of specific sociological research (statistical, expert assessments, etc.). The author concludes that at present, in order to ensure legality in the sphere of internal affairs, it is necessary to improve forms and methods of fight against corruption by means of investigation and search operations. The main contribution of the author is the conclusion about the necessity to develop the theory and logic of investigation and search operations. The novelty of the research lies in the proposals about the development of forms and methods of investigation and search operations. 


latency, prevention, corruption, investigation and search operations, society, document, method, police, employee, survey

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