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Police activity

Shapovalova G.M. Cloud computing and evidence gathering

Abstract: The author of the article considers the problems of law-enforcement agencies’ readiness to reveal, fix, and investigate new socially dangerous acts in the Internet cloud services. In the conditions of information society, IT play special role, along with information systems and telecommunication networks, including the Internet. They give the opportunity to create, store, process, and share the information on corporative, state, and international scale using cloud computing. The author emphasizes that cloud providers, interacting with cloud clients, get access to all the data of their clients, and, taking into account the complexity of technological processes and geographical position of cloud providers, can complicate the work of law-enforcement agencies, directed at detection, seizure, and preservation of information traces within procedural actions. In times of dynamic changes, the state needs increasing the quantum leap in scientific research, which is possible in terms of a new concept of scientific research; empirical model and rationalist doctrine of epistemology should be dynamically renewed. In the conclusion the author outlines the weakest points in fighting against new socially dangerous acts. It is supposed that, due to the spread of cloud computing, criminal activity will intensify. The author is convinced that the results of scientific research of criminal essence of socially dangerous acts and their testing in practice, using the modern technical and criminalistical means, will promote the prevention and effective investigation of crimes in the sphere of cloud computing. 


Law, definitions, evidence, Internet, cloud service, cloud computing, criminalistics, information trace, investigation, standard

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