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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Mal'tseva T.E. Developing Assertiveness of Would-Be Professionals with Socio-Functional Differences

Abstract: The object of the present research is the would-be professionals with socio-functional differences (the term offered Maltseva), while the subject of the research is the development of the integral basic assertiveness qualities in the process of formation of their socio-professional subjectivity (another term offered by the researcher). In her research Maltseva specifies and systematizes features attributable to assertiveness. Describing procedural and conceptual features and peculiarities of different approaches to the concept of assertiveness as a process, the author focuses on particular psychotechnics and psychotechnologies that are applied in the sphere of subjective development (the author's term) and help would-be professionals with socio-functional differences to change from viewing themselves as an object, i.e. victim of circumstances, to being a subject of their professional activity capable of controlling their life and constantly developing. In her research Maltseva describes the newest psychological technics, their purpose, essence and proposed result. The researcher also defines the basic features of assertiveness typical for would-be professionals with socio-functional differences as well as the structure and the signs of assertiveness being developed as a quality. Emphasizing the complexity of formation of the socio-professional subjectivity in the field of subjective development of would-be professionals with socio-functional differences, the author of the article reveals the purpose and meaning of each method or psychotherapeutic technic and stresses out that their implementation requires an individual approach which would take into account particular qualities of every group of clients. 


field of subjective development, self-realization, self-actualization, assertiveness, social and functional differences, socio-professional subjectivity, psycho-technology, congruence, ecology, self-activity

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