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Taxes and Taxation

Kormishkina L.A., Koroleva L.P. Taxation of Wealth: Insight into Neo-Industrial Development and Inclusive Economic Growth

Abstract: The authors of the article describe the basic trends in transformation of taxation of wealth in Russia from the point of view of neo-industrial economic paradigm and inclusive economic growth. The authors describe compliance of the principles of neoindustrialization with the provisions of the concept of inclusive growth, their complementary nature in solving the problems associated with the transition from raw materials export model of GDP growth towards a comprehensive (inclusive) sustainable economic development. It is proposed to extend the definitions of the object of taxation of property in Russia and luxury category to the category of wealth. In order to harmonize tax systems, the wealth tax is defined according to the Classification of Property Taxes fixed by the Guidelines on Government Finance Statistics of the IMF for the developed countries in 2014. The comparative analysis of the wealth tax contribution to GDP and tax revenues in the 8 OECD countries and Russia allows to prove the fact that the regulative potential of the wealth tax is not fully used in the Russian economy. By analyzing the hierarchy of taxes depending on their degree of compatibility with economic growth the authors emphasize the importance of the wealth tax not only as a device to limit wealth inequality and encourage a better use of major assets but also as a counterbalance to the possible negative consequences of tax incentives of neo-industrial development. In the short term, the authors suggest that we should return to the estate tax and gift tax, and in the long term (when building an adequate system of international administration) it will be better to use the net wealth tax. 


neo-industrial paradigm, gift tax, estate tax, Gini coefficient, cross-country analysis, inequality, inclusive economic growth, taxation of wealth, luxury, net wealth

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