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Administrative and municipal law
Kurakin A.V., Ponikarov V.A., Senatova E.V.
Allied administrative-legal and penal relations in the penal enforcement system
// Administrative and municipal law.
2016. ¹ 1.
P. 88-91.
Kurakin A.V., Ponikarov V.A., Senatova E.V. Allied administrative-legal and penal relations in the penal enforcement systemAbstract: The study pays attention to the range of administrative social relations, emerging in the process of imprisonment, lacking for legal regulation. The research subject includes administrative-legal relations, arising in the process of imprisonment. The study is aimed at the analysis of the modern condition of Russian administrative and penal legislation, regulating social relations, arising in the process of imprisonment; researching the problems of legal regulation in this sphere, and making proposals about their elimination.The methodology of the research is based on the modern achievements of epistemology. The author applies general philosophical methods (dialectics, the systems method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, and modeling), legal methods (formal-logical, the method of comparative-legal and systems and structural analysis, and applied study). The authors describe the law-enforcement practice of institutions and agencies of the penal correctional system; make proposals about the further enhancement of administrative and penal legislation in this sphere. On the base of the provisions of the theory of law, the authors differentiate penal and administrative social relations, arising in the process of imprisonment. They outline the range of social relations of this kind, lacking for administrative-legal regulation and its improvement (control over the penal institutions and agencies; initiating administrative supervision by penal correctional institutions; interaction of public authorities in the process of deportation of foreign citizens and stateless persons after penal service in Russia, etc.). The authors make proposals about the improvement of administrative and penal legislation in this sphere. The materials of the study can be used by the “Administrative Law” students, as the basis for scientific and journalistic articles, and for improving law-enforcement activities in this sphere. Keywords: interaction, supervision, control, police, penal correctional system, enforcement, legislation, relations, subordination, inspector
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