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Administrative and municipal law

Lapina M.A. Systematization of positive administrative procedures as a factor of openness and efficiency of the state civil service

Abstract: The subject of the article is the range of theoretical problems of the institutions of administrative process, the problems of legal regulation of positive administrative procedures, used by executive authorities, performing administrative and regulatory functions. At the same time, in the Russian Federation there is no progressive and consistent development of the administrative process system. Since the Soviet period, there has been the institution of administrative jurisdiction, exercised mainly through the Code of Administrative offences of the Russian Federation. Since September 15, 2015, the Code of Administrative legal proceedings is functioning, together with the institution of administrative justice. However, the institution of administrative procedures is still fragmentary; its conceptual system hasn’t been developed yet. Positive administrative procedures are created, as a rule, by the public authorities implementing them. The country has a cumbersome and ineffective system of administrative procedures. The methodological basis of the article is formed by the current achievements of epistemology. The author apples the general philosophical and the systems methods, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, the traditional legal methods (formal-logical and comparative-legal), and the methods of special sociological research (statistical methods, expert assessments, etc.). The author concludes that it is necessary to revive the ideas of creation of codified administrative-procedural legislation, promoting openness and efficiency of the executive authorities and civil servants. The main contribution of the author is the conclusion about the necessity to develop the institution of positive administrative procedures. The novelty of the study consists in the proposals about the development of the institution of administrative procedures.


authorities, functions, administrative activities, state civil servants, executive authorities, administrative procedure, administrative process, administrative regulations, systematization, openness

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