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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Fedorova I.A. On the definition of a procedural status of an aggrieved person on the stage of criminal proceedings commencement

Abstract: The article studies the procedural status of an aggrieved person in the case of a criminal infringement on the stage of criminal proceedings commencement. Particularly, the author considers the notion “aggrieved person” in the penal legislation and theory of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, defines the range of competences which should be granted to this person. Special attention is also paid to the aspects of provision of a person with the status of criminal proceedings participant on the initial stage of investigation in the light of changes in the penal legislation. The author uses general and special scientific methods of research: the dialectical, formal-logical, structural-functional methods and modeling. The author analyzes the legislation of Russia and other countries and defines the notion “aggrieved person”, outlines the range of competences, composing the procedural status of an aggrieved person on the initial stage of criminal proceedings. The adoption of these changes would have a positive impact on the regulation of law-enforcement of the provisions of the Criminal Code on the stage of criminal proceeding commencement, and on the provision of rights, freedoms and lawful interests of an aggrieved person. 


complaint, procedural status, person, criminal case, participant, criminal proceedings, aggrieved person, responsibility, examination, security

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