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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Legotin M.P. Criminological characteristics of extremism among youth (the case of the Ural federal okrug)

Abstract: The article analyzes the modern condition and the dynamics of proliferation of extremism on the territory of the Russian Federation and the Ural federal okrug. With the help of general and special scientific methods, the author characterizes the most dangerous form of extremist activities – the youth extremism. The author substantiates the necessity of development of effective measures of struggle against extremism among youth both in theoretical and practical aspects. The author applies general and special scientific methods, such as the method of moving from concrete to abstract, analysis, synthesis, the structural-logical method, the statistical method, comparative-legal analysis and other methods of scientific research. On the base of the conducted research of the most prominent aspects of youth extremism, the author offers social and criminological measures which can serve as a base of a successful struggle against youth extremism. 


generation, education, employment, characteristics, extremism, youth, social group, skinheads, conflict, family

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