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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Golubykh N.V. Street crime: condition, reasons and development forecast

Abstract: The article analyzes the current condition and dynamics of street crime, which is mostly dangerous due to the diversity of its forms and methods of impact on large numbers of people simultaneously. The author pays special attention to the criminogenic determination of this criminal phenomenon. The author offers two variants of further development of the criminal situation, forecasts the development and spread of street crime for a long-term perspective and the measures of its prevention. The author applies the general scientific and special methods of analysis and synthesis, the structural-logical method, the statistical method, comparative-legal analysis, the method of moving from concrete to abstract and other methods of scientific cognition. On the base of the research the author offers the social and special criminological measures of street crime prevention. 


street, system, dynamics, information, forecast, structure, offence, crime, Victimological prevention, material environment

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