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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Khamidullin R.S. Pretrial cooperation agreement as a tactical criminalistical element of struggle against organized crime

Abstract: The author notes that, due to the worsening of economic situation and the decline of living standards in Russia, the problem of struggle against organized crime becomes especially important. It is confirmed by the data of the Integrated intradepartmental information and statistical system, according to which the amount of preliminarily investigated crimes connected with drug trafficking committed by organized groups had been increasing from the early 2012 till June 2014. Within the struggle against organized crime (on the example of drug trafficking), the author studies the possibility of cooperation between law enforcement officers and the members of criminal groups on the base of the provisions of the article 40.1 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation “Special procedure of pretrial decision when concluding a pretrial agreement” as a tactical criminalistical element. The author applies general and special scientific methods, including deduction, analysis, synthesis, the structural-logical method, the statistical method, comparative-legal analysis and other methods of scientific cognition. In the author’s opinion, the application of the provisions of the article 40.1 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation as a tactical means of “encouragement of a person to cooperation by means of a pretrial agreement” can raise the efficiency of struggle against organized crime, particularly in the sphere of drug trafficking. It will also help solve new crimes and impose liability on persons involved in crimes. 


interaction, defender, tactics, pretrial agreement, investigator, tactical and forensic support, the suspect, the accused, planning, Prosecutor

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