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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Nilogov A.S. The Phenomenon of Telepathy from the Point of View of the Philosophy of Anti-Language

Abstract: The article is devoted to telepathy as the phenomenon of human psyche. Telepathy is understood as the mental communication between two communicators without using any mediating means of communication. The object of the research is the telepathic communication, the subject of the research is the anti-language aspect of such communication. Along with the materialistic interpretation of telepathy, the author has also applied the broadside (para)psychological and philosophical approaches, which complete the technoscientific approach. The author examines such aspects of the topic as kinds of telepathy, 'initial delay' principle, mind reading technology and nonfalse communication. In his research article Nilogov has used the following methods: anti-language, hermeneutical, deconstructivist, historical-philosophical, critical, linguistic (semiotic), psychology and heuristic methods. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that to study the phenomenon of telepathy the author has applied the new anti-language method which allows to problematize telepathic communication from the point of view of the 'initial delay' principle. Nilogov has also provided grounds for describing new classes of anti-words specifying semiotic materials of the kind of information that can be conveyed through telepathy. 


Zolotov, philosophy of anti-language, Derrida, principle, mind reading, Anokhin, Saussure, telepathy, non-false communication, parapsychology

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