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Kurakin A.V., Saidov Z.A. Financial control as a means of ensuring economic safety in the sphere of internal affairs

Abstract: The article focuses on legal and organizational problems of administrative and legal regulation of financial control in the sphere of internal affairs. The authors carry out a detailed theoretical and legal analysis of the concepts of legal regulation of economic relations from the position of administrative-legal regulation of ensuring the financial safety of the state. The article demonstrates the authors' position on the concept of state regulation of financial relations in the sphere of internal affairs. The main attention is paid to the development of methods and methodology of administrative-legal regulation of financial and economic relations in the sphere of internal affairs. In addition, the article provides the theoretical and legal analysis of the concepts of development of law, economics and finance. The methodological basis of the article comprises the recent achievements of epistemology. The authors apply general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the systems method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods (formal logical), and the methods used in specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). The main conclusion is that at present, in order to ensure legality in the sphere of finance, it is necessary to improve the forms and methods of administrative-legal financial safety. The main contribution of the authors is the conclusion about the need for the development of administrative and legal regulation of financial safety in the sphere of internal affairs. The novelty of the article lies in the proposals about the development of forms and methods of state regulation of the economy and the creation of legal and institutional guarantees of legality in the Russian economy.


means, safety, police, The Ministry of Internal Affairs, sphere, finance, control, economy, money, Internal Affairs Agencies

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