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Police activity

Kuznetsova N.V. On the issue of unification of criminal liability for the crimes in the sphere of foreign-economic activity in the Eurasian Customs Union member-states

Abstract: The subject of the research includes the norms of criminal legislation, imposing responsibility for the crimes in the sphere of foreign-economic activity. The article considers customs crimes, committed on the territory of the Customs Union; analyzes the problems of national criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan, connected with the absence of a unified normative-legal base of the states, containing the unified list of penal actions, infringing the established order of foreign-economic activities, forms of punishment and other penal measures for such crimes. The methodology of the study is based on the general scientific dialectical method of cognition. Other methods also play a significant role: the formal-legal method, the comparative-legal method, the method of legal modeling, the statistical and other methods. The author comes to the conclusion about the need for the provision of economic safety of the Customs Union member-states through the unification of criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan, which should have the common comprehensive list of socially dangerous acts, considered as crimes on the whole territory of the Customs Union, the punishments for such crimes and other penal measures. 


foreign-economic activity, customs crimes, the Customs Union, unification, punishment, smuggling, customs integration, economic activity, customs area, interaction

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