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International relations

Kirsanova E.G. Global governance or economic cooperation: on the issue of innovative development at the present stage

Abstract: The study is devoted to the issues of innovative development of modern states in the context of recent trends of the world politics.The article examines the interrelation between global governance and economic cooperation through the prism of innovative development. The author comes to the conclusion that in the situation when many developed countries actively build their national innovation systems and increase innovative capacity, leadership of a particular country on the international arena can be based solely on economic cooperation with other actors of international relations. The methodology of the study is based on the systems approach, the structural-functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation.The author notes the fact that innovations, as a rule, lead to the redistribution of power and are, thus, one of the causes of the change of the balance of political power, and, therefore, entail economic, political and social consequences.


interests, global governance, innovative development, national innovation system, economic cooperation, international relations, diplomacy, state, security, USA

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