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International relations

Bocharnikov I.V. America's chaos strategy in Syria and its role in the escalation of extremism and terrorism in the Middle East

Abstract: The article analyzes the causes and factors behind the escalation of the crisis in Syria and its transformation into one of the most important issues of global security at present. They include particularly the "controlled chaos" strategy implemented by the United States in the Middle East over the past two decades. The aim of this strategy is to reform and defragment the political space of the Arab world, to establish new state frontiers, to overthrow legitimate regimes in the Arab world and to implant puppet governments.The methodological basis of the research includes the systems approach, the structural and functional and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation.In Syria, the implementation of this strategy had faced the resistance of public authorities; it required from the USA the formation of the international coalition with countries (Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and others) whose leaderships are interested in the destabilization of the political situation in Syria. The main goal of this coalition is to overthrow the legitimate political regime of Syrian President B. al-Assad.The support, arming and financing by the US and their allies of various anti-Assad opposition groups eventually led to the escalation of extremism and terrorism, both in Syria and in the Middle East.


opposition, the Free Syrian Army, Syrian crisis, Syria, US Middle-East strategy, USA, the Arab Spring, terrorism, terrorist group

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