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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Mart'yanova G.Yu. Regulatory Features of the Subjective Image of Mental State Experienced in Difficult Situations

Abstract: The article reveals the specifics of the regulatory activity of an actor in difficult situations depending on the intensity of the features of mental state images. The objective of the empirical study was to analyze the formal parameters of mental state image and its relation to the overall regulatory activity. The author of the article has carried out the comparison of the power, structure and intensity of images appearing under various conditions. The author has also studied the differentiated role of the image parameters in an actual situation when reproducing positive experience of problem solution as well as conditions when difficulties are not overcome. The study is based on the provisions of the general methodological concept of conscious self-regulation of voluntary activity as described by V. Morosanova. The author describes the dynamics of subjective features when the level of adaptation to a difficult situation is low as well as the influence of changes in the state image on the overall level of self-regulation. The author proves that the state image has a differentiated influence on regulatory activity. The intensity of the state image determines the processes of situation management as well as the actor's activity in such a situation. These empirical data raises an urgent question regarding the possibility and the need for technical assistance to provide assistance to an individual experiencing a difficult life situation taking into account mechanisms of influence on power, intensity and structure of the image of mental state. 


coping, adaptation, actor in a situation, difficult life situations, image of mental state, self-conscious regulation, voluntary activity, power, structured, intensity

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