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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Rozenova M.I. Emotional Default: Problems of Dissatisfaction and Collapse of Significant Relationships

Abstract: The article investigates forms of interpersonal emotional interaction between people in the system of significant (family and close) relations. The subject under analysis is the features of systemic manipulation in the field of intimate relationships through the formation of emotional pain symptom complex. The author has examined the means of emotional pressure and blackmail and their substantive content; phenomenological aspects of different emotionally manipulated strategies with the description of key features of their implementation; targets of emotionally manipulative influence in terms of their comparison to the classification of manipulation strategies; psychological features of emotional aggressors and consequences of involvement of an individual into a vicious circle of manipulative relationships. The main research methods used by the author of the article include methods of scientific and reflective analysis of the academic literature and clinical experience followed by systematic generalization. The main original results of the research are the following: definition of the types, features and psychological mechanisms of emotional manipulation in relation to significant interpersonal relationships. The author has described significant features, means and conditions of the emotional pressure of partners on each other. The author have also defined criteria and typological features, dynamics and symptom complexes of emotional pressure and blackmail in human relations. The author has also discussed the consequences of the person giving up before the emotional pressure and described specific psychological features of emotional "blackmail". The author shows the dynamics and mechanisms of destruction of emotional ties and trust between close friends and defines the possibility of coping with the problems of this kind at the personal level. 


impact, pain, mental, blackmail, manipulation, emotional, relationship, peace, inner, feeling

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