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Administrative and municipal law

Sokolova O.S. On the issue of corruption indicators in the system of public and municipal service

Abstract: The subject of the article is the process of formation of a set of indicators reflecting dynamics and character of corruption offences in the system of public and municipal service. The author analyzes the existing approaches to the assessment of corruption level taking into account the international and Russian practice. The main attention is paid to the classification of indicators based on corruption crimes revealed by corruption prevention units of public and local authorities. These offences rate among disciplinary delinquencies, and the proposed indicators reflect the level of anticorruption discipline in public and local authorities. The author applies general philosophical methods (the systems method, analysis, synthesis, analogy), traditional legal methods (formal-logical) and statistical methods. The author concludes that it is necessary to connect corruption indicators with the formation of anticorruption policy and efficiency assessment of anticorruption measures, which corresponds with the methodology developed by the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation. The novelty of the research lies in the development of suggestions about the application of corruption indicators for development and (or) correction of targeted anticorruption measures in public or local authorities. 


public service, municipal service, corruption, indicator, latency, susceptibility to corruption, corruption scale, anticorruption policy, targeted character, efficiency

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