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Administrative and municipal law

Goryan E.V. Foreign-trade zones program in the USA: national concept of the institution of a special economic zone

Abstract: The author discusses the national concept of a special economic zone (foreign-trade zone) in the USA. Special attention is paid to the preconditions of development and implementation of a uniform model of special economic zones on the state level. The author analyzes the main factors which have influenced the change of the concept and lead to the dramatic increase of popularity of foreign-trade zones among the participants of foreign-trade activity. The author characterizes both normative and institutional mechanisms of implementation of the concept of a special economic zone, paying special attention to the so-called policy of neutrality of the US Customs and Border Service. Along with the general and special scientific methods of cognition the author applies the comparative-legal method which allows the author to carry out both a synchronous and a multilayer comparison: normative and functional. The author concludes that a successful functioning of the foreign-trade zones program in the USA can be explained by the simplicity of the procedure of their creation. The key factor of the efficiency of foreign-trade zones in the USA is the attention of the legislative authority. The annual congressional hearings of this problem allow the legislators to efficiently react to the changes in the world economy, the external and internal trade, and the population employment. 


management, institutional mechanism, normative mechanism, international trade, subzone, foreign-trade zone, special economic zone, custom duties, national budget, employment

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