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Philosophy and Culture

Popov E.A. Culture as a Research Object of Modern Social Studies and Humanities: the Problem of the Category's Survival

Abstract: The subject of the present research is the category of culture as it is used in social studies and humanities. The author of the article pays attention to the fact that culture is the most frequent research subject in all kinds of sciences. Somehow this makes a researcher lose his intuition and the academic community to feel confused about what 'culture' is meant in a research in particular. This is what has formed the basis for the present research. Indeed, the question about whether the category of culture survives the methodic doubts is highly important. Every scientist has his own understanding of culture and therefore applies his own practices to such research and this is the circumstance that emphasizes the need for scientists to reach a certain agreement regarding the definition of culture. In his research Popov has used  mostly the comparative method that allows to answer the question about the survival of the category of culture taking into account the trends of modern philosophy, cultural studies and sociology. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) socio-humanitarian sciences need to universalize thecategory of culture; 2) philosophy, cultural studies and sociology are the disciplines where the problem of the category's survival is especially pressing and therefore representatives of these sciences need to agree on a common definition of culture in their researches. 


values, people, cognition, sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, society, culture, science, civilization

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