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Philosophy and Culture

Paramonov D.O. Tradition and Revolution: Emotional Experience and the Search for Relevant Terms in European and Indian Philosophical Traditions

Abstract: The article is devoted to the assessment of philosophical grounds for creating the terms that would explain the demand for social changes and revolutions based on subjective experience. For European classical philosophy revolutionary state of mind can be 'removed' only by self-consciousness while under the conditions of individual consciousness revolutionary query is unavoidable as an element of reflection. Can the tradition 'take' the place that German classical philosophers 'prepared' for self-consciousness? Does the tradition contain revolutionary energy? The opposition between revolution and tradition allows to extend the prospects and horizons of philosophisizing through involving other philosophical systems including Indian classical darshan into the scope of their philosophy. Another important traditional philosophy of India is the philosophy of Mimansa. Representatives of Mimansa developed their own conceptual framework allowing to 'bind' revolutionary energy and somehow eliminate contradictory dialects of self-consciousness whle avoiding revolutions and demands for radical social transformations. In his research Paramonov has used the comparative-historical method, philosopho-comparative approach to culture based on the study of the main works of M. Petrov, D. Zilberman, A. Paribka and V. Lysenko. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author searches for subjective, i.e. transcendental, cognitive and psychological grounds for such concepts and phenomena as 'revolution' and 'tradition' and compares Western European and Oriental (Indian) mental attitudes associated with these concepts and phenomena. The author describes the social and political environment of Indian traditional philosophy and offers his interpretation of the mission and functions of Mimansa as one of the darshans (i.e. branches of Indian philosophy).     


social changes, revolution, tradition, dialects of a subject, European philosophical tradition, Indian philosphical tradition, rituals, darshans, Mimansa, Apurva

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