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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Rybakova N.A. Self-actualization of a Person: Methodological Excursus

Abstract: The object of the present research article is the phenomenology of self-actualization. The subject of the paper is the identification of various methodological approaches to understanding the essence of self-actualization. This article concentrates on the formation and development of the idea of self-actualization in the various scientific approaches throughout the history of science. Much attention is paid to the concept of "self-actualization" and related phenomena studied by humanistic psychology, and the development of the theory of self-actualization in domestic science. Special place is given to the description of self-actualization as a deliberate, focused and self-managed activities unfolding in the various kinds of human activity. According to the author, the consideration of self-actualization as self-organized activity allows to look at the problem of personal freedom in the process of self-realization in a new light. The methodology of the study involves the concept of self-actualization and personal growth in humanistic psychology, the concept of self-realization in domestic science, the theory of activity and personal activity approach; the concept of self-management and self-organization. According to the author, the novelty of the article lies in the synthesis of many years of scientific experience on the issue of self-actualization, and in disclosing its essence from the viewpoint of the major foreign and domestic concepts. The special contribution of the author is the inclusion of the results of her own research of self-actualization from the point of view of the personal activity approach and the theory of activity. The main conclusion is the following: if we consider self-actualization as a self-organized activity, it becomes possible to develop technologies that can help a person to realize and accept their individual personality traits, and purposefully and efficiently manage their self-development and personal growth involving their unique traits and qualities. 


need, freedom, individuality, personality, personal growth, self-development, self-actualization, activities, awareness, controllability

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