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National Security

Didenko P.I., Pronchev G.B. Radon threat to the population of Russia

Abstract: The subject of this research is the organizational and economic aspects of radiation safety projects in Russia and the creation of the effective mechanisms of system operation that ensure radiation safety for the environment and society. The goal of this work is to develop conceptual organizational and economic foundations for the integral national system of ensuring human safety from radon, in accordance with which in Russia could be formed a reliable system for protecting individuals, society, and nation from such type of radiation hazards and threats. The scientific novelty lies in devising interrelated measures that carry systemic character, aimed at neutralization of radon risk. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the natural sources in the structure of public exposure account for approximately 70% of the radiation level, and a substantial part of this dose (60%) originates from radon exposure. The author notes that the territories of Chita and Rostov regions, Altai and Stavropol Krai, Ural, and a number of other regions have elevated radon levels. Therefore, we can observe that in the current complicated environmental situation, the unit weight of radon component has considerably increased.


security systems, radon, natural exposure sources, radiation safety, influence of negative factors, enviromental safety of Russia, life safety, control and monitoring, national security, emergency situations

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