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Administrative and municipal law

Zheleznyakova E.A. Public service as a socio-legal institution: the guarantees of civil servants

Abstract: The article examines the legal regulation of socio-legal protection of civil servants. The author demonstrates the shortcomings of the legal system within the public administration and the ways of their elimination.The modern stage of state-building in Russia is directly linked to the social and legal protection of civil servants. The system of state guarantees of civil servants is currently in the condition of instability caused by administrative reforms, the lack of a unified government policy, federal and regional peculiarities of development of the system of state guarantees. The system of material and financial guarantees today is a working system, thus enhancing the prestige of public service as a social and legal institution. Methodological basis of research comprises the historical interpretation and comparative study of law, logic, formal and doctrinal interpretation of law. The author also uses  the general scientific methods: abstraction, elementary-theoretical and structural analysis, modeling, cognition of the object by identifying its essential characteristics. All methods are applied within the framework of the systems approach. The scientific novelty of this study is that the real work represents one of the first attempts of a comprehensive analysis of the institution of public service in the modern anti-crisis legislation. For the effective functioning of public service it is necessary to provide the proper conditions for high-quality execution by public officials of their official (service) duties and the formation of ideology influencing the development of public administration. Resource support of public servants should be carried out through: further development of the flexible, socially oriented system of professional training of citizens, adequate to the needs of the state civil service; improvement of training of civil servants on the basis of program-target approach to the organization of education of various position groups; development of institutions of additional education which use the most effective professional education programs and technologies of training; methodological support of professional training of civil servants, personnel retraining for the public service; improvement of normative-legal regulation of relations between the representatives of the employer and civil servants; the formation and strengthening of state control over the civil service; the establishment of a real system of certification, retraining and advanced training.


authority, public service, government, legislation, legal regulation, public servant, social guarantees, administrative reform, ideology, reform

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