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Glushchenko V.V. Strategic approach to development of the national geopolitical economy

Abstract: Geoeconomicology as a methodical basis of geopolitical economy of the state is the subject of this study. The object of this study is the strategy of national geopolitical economy's development. The gual of this article is to form a strategy for developing geoeconomicology as a methodical basis for developing the country's geopolitical economy in the conditions of exiting global crisis. In order to achieve this, the author resolves the following tasks: -to study the definition and content of the strategy of geopolitical economy's development; -to study the definition, content and defining traits of geopolitical economy, considering the evident 2015 global economic crisis; -to form the basis of geoeconomicology as a science on geopolitical economy and a geoeconomical mechanism; -to research the defining traits of geoeconomic competition, considering the projected variants for post-crisis world order, and the influence of world order on geopolitical economy; -to research the factors that impact the success of national economies. The methods of this research include historical retrospective analysis, logical analysis, comparative analysis, logical projections, linguistic approach, joint analysis. THe novelty of this research is based on the fact that it sets and solves the scientific tasts of studying the definition and content of the strategy of geopolitical economy's development, the definition, content and defining traits of geopolitical economy, considering the evident 2015 global economic crisis, forming the basis of geoeconomicology as a science on geopolitical economy and a geoeconomical mechanism, researching the defining traits of geoeconomic competition, considering the projected variants for post-crisis world order, and the influence of world order on geopolitical economy, researching the factors that impact the success of national economies.


tools, globalization, analysis, technique, management, geopolitics, crisis, strategy, economy, geoeconomy

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