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Philosophy and Culture
Lavrikova I.N.
Celebration: Needs and Functions
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. ¹ 8.
P. 1239-1245.
Lavrikova I.N. Celebration: Needs and FunctionsAbstract: According to the author of the article, it is impossible to obtain a complete understanding of the essence of a socio-cultural phenomenon without answering the question about what needs this or that phenomenon satisfies. The solution of that issue with reference to the institution of celebration would allow to define all kinds of functions performed thereby. It is quite obvious that the aesthetic sphere, being successfully included in such a cultural institution as celebration, does not only perform direct functions (enjoyment, education of taste, etc.) but also directly or indirectly contribute to the development of the political culture and impose ideological standards. In her research Lavrikova has ued the general scientific methods including typological and textual methods and systems approach for defining functions of celebration as a cultural institution. Based on the analysis of the key functions of celebration, the author establishes the main provisions to systematize concepts of celebration offered by different authors. As a result of studying functions of celebration, the author have defined 1) factors contributing to the implementation of the communicative function of a holiday as well as a political holiday, and 2) a special function of a political holiday based on which the author describes the main targets and tasks for a political holiday facilitator. Keywords: nature of a holiday, needs, politics, aesthetic sphere, culture, communication, ideology, up-bringing, consciousness, functions
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