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Philosophy and Culture
Chep'yuk O.R.
Innovation Society as a Matrix of Contemporary Culture
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. ¹ 8.
P. 1169-1174.
Chep'yuk O.R. Innovation Society as a Matrix of Contemporary CultureAbstract: In this article Chepyuk analyzes the thesis about the transfer of a modern society to a new stage of development that is defined as the innovation society or knowledge society in literature. The present stage of technological development is characterized by the leading role of information and communication technologies and involvement of a human into new social relations or so called media reality. The author of the article raises a question about how our views on culture and economics are being transformed within the framework of the innovative paradigm of social development and gives a qualitative assessment of this process from the point of view of the entropy approach. The research method integrates several types of analysis, ethical-philosophical, cultural and dialectical analysis. One of the basic scientific approaches used by the author is the synergetic approach that has allowed to define similar tendencies in the development of society, culture and economics of modern social life. In this article the author proposes a thesis that innovation society does not present a new paradigm of social development. In fact, it represents the process of embodiment of the socio-cultural phenomenon. Moreover, growing IT and media industry are just the means of producing intangible forms of social life that have become the object of purchase and sale in the modern innovation society. The author also makes a suggestion that these processes can relate to entropic phenomena in the capitalist economy. Keywords: innovation society, media reality, information and communication technologies, entropy, knowledge economy, contemporary culture, capitalism, memory, cultural values, intangible assets
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