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Administrative and municipal law

Khurtin D.O. Special reasons for exemption of administrative liability for the violation of intellectual property rights

Abstract: Administrative liability for intellectual property rights violation is established in the articles 7.12 and 14.10 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation; it is one of the ways to protect intellectual property rights. The subject of the article is the possibility of exemption of administrative liability for such offences, and the study of the problem of the need for introduction of additional reasons for condonation in such cases. The author uses the methods of analysis, analogy, modeling; the research is also based on the study of legal regulations and law-enforcement practice. The author concludes that it is necessary to amend the articles 7.12 and 14.10 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation with special reasons for exemption of administrative liability for the violation of intellectual property rights in case of indemnification and reconciliation with an aggrieved party. 


administrative legislation, administrative liability, exemption of liability, reconciliation with aggrieved party, intellectual property right, patent rights, administrative offence, special reasons, property damage

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