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Administrative and municipal law

Baranov I.N. Municipal law-making process: concept and stages

Abstract: The subject of the article is the range of problems of municipal law-making in the Russian reality. The author analyzes and reveals the concepts “municipal law-making” and “municipal law-making process” and the stages of municipal law-making process. The author ascertains the lack of unanimity of views about the content of municipal law-making process in scientific and educational literature on jurisprudence. Having studied the positions of scientists in this sphere, the author comes to the conclusion about impermissibility of merging of key concepts in this sphere of knowledge. The author studies the essence of municipal legal acts and characterizes them. The study is based on the methods of analysis, synthesis, logic and dialectics. The article demonstrates the author’s understanding of the concept of “municipal law-making process”, argues the necessity of its inclusion in the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 ¹ 131-FZ. The author substantiates the idea that control over implementation, and also abrogation or suspension of municipal legal acts cannot be fully identified as the stages of municipal law-making process. The author offers the ways of improvement of the concept “municipal normative legal act”. 


stages of law-making process, rule-making, local government, municipal legal act, municipal regulatory process, Municipal law-making process, municipal law-making, promulgation, law-making, subjects of law-making process

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