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Administrative and municipal law

Evstafiadi Ya.K. Position as a fundamental element of the structure of civil service

Abstract: The author analyzes the legal nature and the content of a law-enforcement service position in the public service system of the Russian Federation. The article defines the essence of the concept of "position" as an element of public service, its legal status and its importance for the formation of any kind of public service. The author considers the provisions of legal regulation of law enforcement service in the Russian Federation. Attention is paid to the problems of the current Federal law "On public service of the Russian Federation" and the draft Federal law "On judicial service of the Russian Federation". The author uses the systems method, the dialectical, comparative-legal and formal-logical methods. The novelty lies in the establishment of differences between the law-enforcement service positions and the positions in civil and military service; the consideration of the distinctive features of these types of service; the revelation of the nature of a law-enforcement service position; the analysis of the existing problems in defining of the concept and the content of a law-enforcement service position. The conclusions of the research helped to form the features and peculisrities which characterize the position of a state law enforcement service as a fundamental element of the system of law enforcement service.


law-enforcement bodies, competency, position, public position, law-enforcement service, public service, professional, unity, structural unit

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