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Administrative and municipal law

Meshcheryagina V.A. Constitutional right to appeal as an element of maintaining the balance between the interests of a person, the society and the state

Abstract: The article considers the constitutional right to appeal as a legal form of dialectical correlation between the interests of the state, the society and a person. The author outlines the range of unsettled theoretical-legal and practical questions, hindering the development of institution of the constitutional right to appeal in the Russian Federation. The author puts forward concrete suggestions about the enhancement of legislative regulation of the institution of the constitutional right to appeal and the renewal of the system of public management in general. The author applies the general scientific and the special scientific methods of research, including the systems method, synthesis, the normative-logical approach, analysis, deduction, induction and other methods. The author comes to the conclusion about the need for legitimation and explanation of the notion “petition” in federal legislation; establishment of instance for pre-trial appeals thus obliging a citizen to address an appeal primarily to municipal authorities and municipal branches of public bodies; obliging a citizen to notify the fact of copying the same appeal to several government bodies and other organizations. 


personal interest, public interest, legislative initiative, Petitions, legal interest, appeal, right to appeal, referendum, The Constitutional Court Of Russia, collective appeals

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