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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Flerov O.V. Correlation Between Language, Speech and Communication in Language Education

Abstract: The object of the research is the teaching of foreign languages. The subject of the research is the correlation between language, speech and communication in this pedagogical process. The author of the article analyzes the views of linguistics and psychology on the correlation and relationship between these concepts and demonstrates how language, speech and communication determine the key components in the process of teaching foreign languages. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the methods of teaching not only in terms of the contemporary methodological issues but also in restrospective. The method of the research applied by the author of the article is the integrated linguistic, psychological and psycholinguistic analysis. The author also applies the empirical data from his own experience in teaching foreign languages. According to the author of the article, today's practice of teaching foreign languages lacks a clear understanding of what teaching languages, teaching to speak and to communicate actually mean. As a result, the methods of teaching become less efficient. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author demonstrates how the aforesaid concepts manifest themselves in actual teaching practice and teaching foreign languages today and how these concepts have been changed as the part of didactics over years. 


paradigm, psychology, linguistics, foreign language, communication, speech, language, correlation, method of teaching, psycholinguistics

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