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History magazine - researches

Aleksandrov S.V. On the question of the establishment of the Smolensk diocese

Abstract: This article proposes a description of the establishment of the Smolensk diocese in 1136 and presents an analysis of the historiography dealing with this question which up to today has not provided a definite answer. The author describes the political situation in Rus during the first half – middle of the 1130s after the death of Mstislav Vladimirovich and the conflicts that arose inside the Monomakh clan, as well as between the Monomakhs and the Olgovichi. It was precisely these conflicts that allowed Rostislav to pose the question of forming a local diocese in 1134, while the alliance of Yaropolk and the Mstislaviches in the winter of 1136 provided the opportunity to establish in Smolensk an episcopal see. The article also examines the question of the Rostov-Suzdal tribute, which does not have a clear assessment in historiography as well, and gives a valuation of a series of scholars’ viewpoints on this question. The appearance of this tribute was a result of the treaty between Yaropolk Vladimirovich and Yuri Dolgorukiy and which had fixed conditions as it was a compensation to Rostislav for the gift of Novgorod in 1133. The refusal of Yuri Dolgorukiy to pay the money did not cancel the tribute since it was granted by the Kievan prince, which is why the Suzdal tribute was added to the charter of Rostislav Mstislavich.


Smolensk diocese, Kievan Rus, Monomakh, Mstislav Vladimirovich, Pereyaslavl, Olgovichi, Rostislav Mstislavich, Smolensk, Suzdal tribute, Yaropolk Vladimirovich

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