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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Busurmanov J.D. Eurasian Declaration of Human Rights and Nations – Search of the Resolution of Inter-Civilizational Contradictions of the XXI Century

Abstract: In conditions of the crisis manifested in the field of democracy and human rights on a planetary level, the Eurasian concept of Human Rights and the Eurasian Declaration of Human Rights and nations as special vision, look at these problems can bring its contribution to the resolution of conflicts emerging through the promotion to general, universal through the recognition and respect of diversity, uniqueness, identity of the people and their state. Theoretical and ideological basis of the Eurasian Declaration is the Eurasian concept of human rights, stated that respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms in addition to rights and freedoms assumes binding mutual obligations and responsibilities between people, society and the state. Only the existence of a balance of interests between these subjects contributes to the real implementation of both individual and collective rights and freedoms.


democracy, human rights, the crisis of democracy, the Eurasian concept, Eurasian declaration, Eurasian Court of Human Rights, the civilization, the Eurasian continent, general, universal, identity, uniqueness, sovereignty.

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