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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Tretyak N.V. Legal Regulation of Scientific Activity: Problems and Solutions

Abstract: Based on the characteristics of the modernity, requiring high quality in the management of social processes, the author examines the aspects of the development of intellectual potential, scientific training as an important element of scientific, technological and innovation policy of the Russian Federation. Competent legal regulation of social relations arising in the field of scientific, technical and innovative activity is linked to the development of a new systemic act in the field of science. In the framework of preparation of the concept and draft of the act it is necessary, first of all, to develop the conceptual apparatus of the future law (giving priority to the formalization of such a multi-faceted term as scientific creativity, scientific and technical content, scientific expertise, education and innovation activity), to formulate the principles of state regulation of scientific, technical and innovation activity to determine the basic provisions of public policy, including those aimed at the protection and active development of international cooperation in science and high technology. The legal status of the scientist, the state guarantees of his activity and measures of his social support, forms of government and public recognition of the achievements, the activity of research teams are considered in the article, as the central element of the new law, and therefore it is proposed to make these issues the subject of most attention, the most extensive and versatile discussion.


science, scientist, scientific activity, scientific-technical activity, innovation, a draft of federal law, scientific expertise, discussion.

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