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Administrative and municipal law

Chvyakin V.A. Educational cluster of universities and practical consultative-psychological and legal work with the youth as a social base for juvenile and administrative delinquency prevention in Russia

Abstract: The article presents the information, important from the viewpoint of administrative juvenile delinquency. The object of the research is deviant behavior of minor offenders and juveniles inclined to committing offences. The subject of the research is a range of social and psychological peculiarities of a personality and individual psychological traits of character (accentuations), the structure of which determines the moral regulation of behavior, the value orientations of the personality of a juvenile and the peculiarities of its deviant behavior. The paper shows that in a socio-psychological relation deviant behavior of juveniles is a very important problem. Deviant behavior is typical for most of minors and is considered by many researchers as an age-specific norm of behavior. On the other hand, deviant behavior causes a risk of the development of socio-abnormal deformations of a person when deviant behavior is dangerous for other people. The extreme variant of it is a delinquent, i.e. unlawful behavior of minors committing crimes of different weight. The methodology of the research is based on the recent achievements of epistemology. The author uses the general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the systems method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional legal methods (formal-logical), and the methods used in special sociological studies (the statistical methods, expert assessments, etc.). At present juvenile delinquency is characterized by impudence, cynicism and the absence of moral regulations of behavior. The dynamics of structural, motivational and other characteristics of juvenile delinquency, which are important in a socio-psychological relation, proves the need to use more actively the measures of social control as a normative regulator of behavior and personal goal-setting of minor offenders. 


behavioral responses, psychological consulting, patriotic education, youth, Moscow area, higher education, cluster, delict, prevention, crime

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