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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Mukanova N.A. New Approaches to the Prevention of Corruption in the Kyrgyz Republic: Ways to Transparency and Accountability of State Bodies

Abstract: This article reflects the main points of the report, voiced by the author at the IV Eurasian Anti-Corruption Forum. The author noted that the counteraction and the preventive measures of corruption imposed to all public authorities in the Kyrgyz Republic. Preventive measures include the identification and elimination of corruption schemes, the protection of the civil service system from the destructive impact of corruption processes, the increase of transparency and accountability of government agencies and join forces of government agencies, civil society and business. Civil society plays an active role in the prevention of corruption: evaluates the level of corruption in different state bodies and constantly publishes reports, conducts assessments, monitoring, and analytical review particularly in those sectors with very high levels of corruption, conduct anti-corruption public examination. Every bill passes public hearings. In conclusion, the author notes the importance of the scientific potential, scientific developments in the fight against corruption and in this regard the special role is given to the international scientific conferences providing an opportunity to share experiences.


prevention of corruption, anti-corruption policy, national strategy, public authorities, institutes of civil society, public control, transparency, accountability, monitoring, anti-corruption forum.

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