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Administrative and municipal law

Bukalerova L.A., Ostroushko A.V. Information and legal support of public assessment of state structures’ activities

Abstract: The article considers the ways of public control efficiency enhancement. The authors detail the problems of information and legal support of public monitoring and the possibility of use of information and telecommunication systems in this sphere, including the Internet. Special attention is paid to the development of methodical recommendations of use of public control mechanisms. The authors study the possibilities of departmental law-making in the sphere of development of recommendations for public monitoring use and its results assessment. The study is based on the set of general scientific and special methods of cognition of social and legal reality. The methodology is based on the dialectical method with its requirements of objectivity, comprehensiveness, historicism and preciseness of the truth. Among the general scientific methods the authors use the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and measurement. As a special scientific method the authors use the comparative-legal method. The main contribution of the authors to the study of this topic is the suggestion about the need for a detailed regulation of the ways of acquisition of reliable, full and timely information about the activities of public authorities, collected and analyzed by means of up-to-date information technologies. The authors offer a standard order of public monitoring of public authorities, local authorities, state and municipal organizations and other bodies with public powers. 


activities of local governments, activities of state bodies, acquisition of information, public assessment, Information and legal support, method, monitoring, public control, Internet, enhancement of efficiency

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