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Administrative and municipal law

Kurganov N.A. Municipal service in Russia: problems of theory and organization

Abstract: The object of the research is a range of social relations in the sphere of organization and service in municipal bodies of the Russian Federation. The subject of the research is the definition and the limits of municipal service in the Russian Federation. The author studies the issues of international practice of service regulation, development of the legislation about public and municipal service in the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the institution of positions on municipal service. On the base of the empirical data the author formulates the suggestions about the enhancement of the existing legal acts. The methodology of the research is based on the complex of the general scientific and the special methods of cognition: the systems method, the sociological and comparative-legal methods, the methods of shift from the abstract to the concrete and from the general to the specific. In the result of the research the author outlines the problem aspects of municipal service at the recent stage of development. The author suggests the ways of theoretical-legal and organizational grounds of municipal service in Russia enhancement, particularly, it is offered to institute a special category of positions in municipal authorities  - the positions prone to corruption risks – establishing a special legal status for this category. 


official, classification of municipal officials, municipal official, position of municipal service, service, municipal service, corruption risks, local government, municipal bodies, positions register

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