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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Tolmacheva O.A. The Problem of Personal Maturity and Self-Actualization. Humanistic Approach

Abstract: In this article the research subject is the views of humanistic philosophers and psychologists on personal maturity and personal self-fulfillment. Self-fulfilment is defined as a full release and realization of personal potential. Each person has potentials to grow and self-improve. This is an inborn need of personality and can be satisfied only when a person is mature and has a tendency to personal growth. At birth all people have huge potentials that, however, fade away as a result of the influence of culture. This is what the founder of the self-actualization theory Abraham Maslow stated. Humanistic psychologists and a number of Russian researchers view the motive for self-actualization as the main driver of personal development. The fact that a person has the motive for self-actualization proves this is a mature personality. Theoretical and methodological grounds of the research included: humanistic theory of personal self-actualization (Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and others), theory of personal self-development (Boris Ananiev, Ksenia Abulkhanova-Slavskaya and Alexander Asmolov) and scientific provisions about the stimulating and directing role of motives (E. Ilyin). In the present research personal maturity and tendency to self-actualization are being viewed from the point of view of the psychological health. This is what makes the novelty of the research. Moreover, the author of the article describes the basic and leading concepts of personal self-development offered by both Russian and foreign researhers that overcome contradictory views on self-actualization and demonstrate that mature personality is a psychologically healthy personality with developed intellect that knows how to achieve his or her goals. All this is possible only when there is personal health. Personal health is defined as the state of personality that ensures sustainable development, successful personal growth and movement towards self-actualization. Motivational status of a health person consists of the pursuance of self-actualization which is understood as the completion of one's mission or achievement of one's vocation or destiny. Self-actualization means the outcome of the deep nature of human to the surface, reconciliation with the inner self and personality core, maximum self-expression, i.e. realization of the hidden abilities and potentials, 'ideal performance'.  Thus, the feeling of individuality, successful career and commitment to one's personal value system are as important for the psychological health of an individual as security, love, self-respect, etc. The fact that an individual aspires to fulfil his needs of the highest level is an indicator of his mental health. According to Maslow, satisfaction of the needs of the highest order allows a person to feel happier. Metamotivation itself denotes one's personal maturity. The majority of researchers view personal growth as an essential element of the path towards self-actualization. 


personal potential, meta-needs, personal growth, personal maturity, personality development, self-fulfillment, self-actualization, motivation, metamotivation, value systems

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