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National Security

Ul'yanov A.A. On the question of modern concept of personal firearm

Abstract: The subject of this research is personal firearm of the members of armed forces. The object, or rather objects, is the specific types and models of firearms. The author examines such aspects of the topic as: advancements in firearms of infantry throughout its colossal historical path – from World War I, to the most recent armed conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and the Chechen Republic; from bolt action rifles to the latest promising models of firearms. The article also presents theoretical and practical aspects of distinction between the notion of “sniper” in the “West” and in the “East”; specific models of sniper rifles are being analyzed. The article contains theoretical and practical aspects of the notion “police sniper”, as well as a brief analysis of certain models of firearms intended for use by “police snipers”. The author concludes that modern models of individual firearms have reached such advanced level, that their use by a multimillion (and usually not well-trained) conscripted army is rather difficult. With regards to the notion of “sniper”, it would be beneficial to adopt the Western model of distinction between the notions of “sniper” and “marksman”.


sniper rifle, Kalashnikov assault rifle, assault rifle, intermediate cartridge, submachine gun, machinegun, rifle, effective range of fire, modular construction, marksman

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